📜Terms Of Service

This end user agreement (the "Agreement") should be read by you (the "User" or "you") in its entirety prior to your use of Toshi Bets service or products.

Please note that the Agreement constitutes a legally binding agreement between you and Toshi Bet (referred to herein as "Toshi Bet", "us" or "we") which owns and operates the Internet site found and games described at Toshi Bet (the "Service"). By clicking the "I Agree" button if and where provided and/or using the Service, you consent to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.

1. Grant of License

  • 1.1. Subject to the terms and conditions contained herein, Toshi Bet grants the User a non-exclusive, personal, non-transferable right to use the Service on your personal computer or other device that accesses the Internet in order to access the games available.

  • 1.2. The Service is not for use by (i) individuals under 18 years of age, (ii) individuals under the legal age of majority in their jurisdiction and (iii) individuals accessing the Service from jurisdictions from which it is illegal to do so. Toshi Bet is not able to verify the legality of the Service in each jurisdiction and it is the User’s responsibility to ensure that their use of the Service is lawful.

  • 1.3. Toshi Bet and its licensors are the sole holders of all rights in and to the Service and code, structure, and organization, including copyright, trade secrets, intellectual property, and other rights. You may not, within the limits prescribed by applicable laws:

(a) copy, distribute, publish, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, modify, or translate the website; or

(b) use the Service in a manner prohibited by applicable laws or regulations (each of the above is an "Unauthorized Use").

Toshi Bet reserves any and all rights implied or otherwise, which are not expressly granted to the User hereunder and retain all rights, title and interest in and to the Service. You agree that you will be solely liable for any damage, costs or expenses arising out of or in connection with the commission by you of any Unauthorized Use. You shall notify Toshi Bet immediately upon becoming aware of the commission by any person of any Unauthorized Use and shall provide Toshi Bet with reasonable assistance with any investigations it conducts in light of the information provided by you in this respect.

  • 1.4. The term Toshi Bet its domain names and any other trademarks, or service marks used by Toshi Bet as part of the Service (the "Trademarks"), are solely owned by Toshi Bet. In addition, all content on the website, including, but not limited to, the images, pictures, graphics, photographs, animations, videos, music, audio, and text (the "Site Content") belongs to Toshi Bet and is protected by copyright and/or other intellectual property or other rights. You hereby acknowledge that by using the Service, you obtain no rights in the Site Content and/or the Trademarks, or any part thereof. Under no circumstances may you use the Site Content and/or the Trademarks without Toshi Bet prior written consent. Additionally, you agree not to do anything that will harm or potentially harm the rights, including the intellectual property rights of Toshi Bet.

2. No Warranties

  • 2.1. Toshi Bet disclaims any and all warranties, expressed or implied, in connection with the service which is provided to you "as is" and we provide you with no warranty or representation whatsoever regarding its quality, fitness for purpose, completeness or accuracy.

  • 2.2. Regardless of Toshi Bets efforts, we make no warranty that the service will be uninterrupted, timely or error-free, or that defects will be corrected.

3. Authority/Terms of Service

You agree to the game rules described on the website and the websites documentation made available through our social media channels and/or links provided on the site. Toshi Bet retains authority over the issuing, maintenance, and closing of the Service. The decision of Toshi Bets management, concerning any use of the Service, or dispute resolution, is final and shall not be open to review or appeal.

4. Your Obligations as a Player

4.1. You hereby declare and warrant that:

  • 4.1.1. You are over 18 years of age or such a higher minimum legal age of majority as stipulated if the jurisdiction of Your residence (e.g., Estonia – 21 years) and, under the laws applicable to You, legally allowed to participate in the Games offered on the Website.

  • 4.1.2. You participate in the Games strictly in your personal non-professional capacity for recreational and entertainment reasons only.

  • 4.1.3. You participate in the Games on your own behalf and not on behalf of any other person.

  • 4.1.4. All information that You provide to Toshi Bet during the term of validity of this agreement is true, complete, and correct, and that You shall immediately notify Toshi Bet of any change of such information.

  • 4.1.5. You are solely responsible for reporting and accounting for any taxes applicable to You under relevant laws for any winnings that You receive from Toshi Bet.

  • 4.1.6. You understand that by participating in the Games you take the risk of losing Virtual Funds deposited into Your Member Account.

  • 4.1.7. You shall not be involved in any fraudulent, collusive, fixing, or other unlawful activity in relation to Your or third parties’ participation in any of the Games and shall not use any software- assisted methods or techniques or hardware devices for Your participation in any of the Games. Toshi Bet hereby reserves the right to invalidate any wager in the event of such behaviour at their own discretion.

  • 4.1.8. You understand that Virtual Funds as Bitcoin are not considered a legal currency or tender and as such on the Website they are treated as virtual funds with no intrinsic value.

  • 4.1.9. You understand that Bitcoin value can change dramatically depending on the market value.

  • 4.1.10. You are not allowed to use any payment methods that belong to a Third party or person.

4.2. You are not allowed to transfer, sell and/or acquire, user accounts.

4.3. Games played on Our site should be played in the same manner as games played in any other setting. This means that players should be courteous to each other and avoid rude or obscene comments.

4.4. Some circumstances may arise where a wager is confirmed, or a payment is performed by us in error. In all these cases Toshi Bet reserves the right to cancel all the wagers accepted containing such an error.

4.5. Should the user become aware of possible errors or incompleteness in the software, he/she agrees to refrain from taking advantage of them. Moreover, the user agrees to report any error or incompleteness immediately to Toshi Bet. Should the user fail to fulfil the obligations stated in this clause, Toshi Bet has a right to full compensation for all costs related to the error or incompleteness, including any costs incurred in association with the respective error/incompleteness and the failed notification by the user.

4.6. In the event a game is started but miscarried because of a failure of the system, Toshi Bet shall refund the amount wagered in the game to the User by crediting it to the User’s Account or, if the account no longer exists, by paying it to the User in an approved manner; and if the User has an accrued credit at the time the game miscarried, credit to the User’s Account the monetary value of the credit or, if the account no longer exists, pay it to the User in an approved manner.

4.7. Toshi Bet reserves the right to reject or limit wagers. The user is not permitted to wager an amount exceeding his/her personal account limit.

4.8. Toshi Bet reserves the right to retain payments if suspicion or evidence exists of manipulation of the casino system. Criminal charges will be brought against any user or any other person(s), who has/have manipulated the casino system or attempted to do so. Toshi Bet reserves the right to terminate and/or, change any games or events being offered on the Website.

4.9. Toshi Bet reserve the right to require some verification in case of suspicious or fraudulent transactions.

4.10. Toshi Bet reserves the right to declare a wager void partially or in full if Toshi Bet, at its own discretion, would deem it obvious that any of the following circumstances have occurred:

  • 4.10.1. You, or people associated with you may directly or indirectly influence the outcome of an event, to obtain an unlawful advantage,

  • 4.10.2. You and or people associated with you are directly or indirectly avoiding the rules of Toshi Bet

  • 4.10.3. The result of an event has been directly or indirectly affected by criminal activity.

  • 4.10.4. Wagers have been placed that would not have been accepted otherwise, but that were accepted during periods when the website have been affected by technical problems.

  • 4.10.5. Due to an error, such as a misprint, technical error, force majeure or otherwise, wagers have been offered, placed and or accepted due to this error.

  • 4.10.6. If a player's deposit fee is too low and is flagged by blockchain or similar site as “not enough fee to relay” Toshi Bet reserve the right to confiscate the winnings if Toshi Bet at their own discretion deem the transaction and behaviour of the player to be fraudulent in nature.

5. Prohibited Uses

5.1. PERSONAL USE. The Service is intended solely for the User’s personal use. The User is only allowed to wager for his/her personal entertainment and may not create multiple accounts, including for the purpose of collusion and/or abuse of service.

6. Know your Customer (“KYC”)

Toshi Bet reserves the right, at any time, to ask for any KYC documentation it deems necessary to determine the identity and location of a User. Toshi Bet reserves the right to restrict service and payment until identity is sufficiently determined.

7. Breach

7.1. Without prejudice to any other rights, if a user breaches in whole or in part any provision contained herein, Toshi Bet reserves the right to take such action as it sees fit, including terminating this Agreement or any other agreement in place with the User and/or taking legal action against such User.

7.2. You agree to fully indemnify, defend and hold harmless Toshi Bet and its shareholders, directors, agents and employees from and against all claims, demands, liabilities, damages, losses, costs and expenses, including legal fees and any other charges whatsoever, howsoever caused, that may arise as a result of: (i) your breach of this Agreement, in whole or in part; (ii) violation by you of any law or any third party rights; and (iii) use by you of the Service.

8. Limitations and Liability

8.1. Under no circumstances, including negligence, shall Toshi Bet be liable for any special, incidental, direct, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use (or misuse) of the Service even if Toshi Bet had prior knowledge of the possibility of such damages.

9. Disputes

If a User wishes to make a complaint, please contact Toshi Bets customer service team at support@Toshi.bet.

10. Amendment

Toshi Bet reserves the right to update or modify this Agreement or any part thereof at any time or otherwise change the Service without notice and you will be bound by such amended Agreement upon posting. Therefore, we encourage you to check the terms and conditions contained in the version of the Agreement in force at such time. Your continued use of the Service shall be deemed to attest to your agreement to any amendments to the Agreement.

11. Free Bets

When users are playing with free bets, gained through bonuses, gifts or sponsorships, they are unable to win any shared jackpots such as the Pepe Payout.

12. Assignment

Toshi Bet reserves the right to assign this agreement, in whole or in part, at any time without notice. The User may not assign any of his/her rights or obligations under this Agreement.


Should the Casino become aware of any user who has accepted the bonus or a promotion with sole purpose of creating a positive expected value on bonus return by using known practices aimed at securing a cash out of said bonus or at any way try to take advantage of bonuses received by Toshi Bet, then Toshi Bet will enforce immediate confiscation of winnings and closure of the account with the right to withhold any further withdrawals. An example of advantage play would be delaying any game round in any game, including free spins features and bonus features, to a later time when you have no more wagering requirement and/or performing new deposit(s) while having free spins features or bonus features still available in a game. In the interests of fair gaming, equal, zero or low margin bets or hedge betting, shall all be considered irregular gaming for bonus play- through requirement purposes. Should the Casino deem that irregular game play has occurred, the Casino reserves the right to withhold any withdrawals and/or confiscate all winnings.

Last updated